feel like to much is going on….

feel like to much is going on, feel like im to busy but really im just a saddo with to much stuff to do on the internet and exams coming up.. it not like im do productive thing… unless you class watching the fault in our stars trailer… again..and …again until my eyes bleed! that an read the same book seris over and and over again.. but then again your sat here just reading this… HAHA wow your actually this far down the paragraph! unless your mum… cause if you are LEAVE NOW! okay? okay. thank you… anyway dont you even feal like that to busy but really you just feel like you heads going to pop….gosh i need to calm down and get my life in order…….

dont trust, its trap

sick of trusting an being let down what do exspect in people when i tell them deep things… they go and do horrible things and let me down.. and make me cry… its never even what they do, its how they do it, with out even letting me know.

i cant carry on type i cant see the keyboard.. im crying 


friends can go suck balls 


a roleplay isn’t just something geek’s do when there bored..  it a way to live out you fake identity to be another charitor its like improv but with writing..and know acting skill at all! it helps me escape into a dark or something mystical place… it lets me take out my anger on other charitor and plot and plan, i do online hunger games roleplay, which i love!

you talk with others.. who dont know you and cant judge you because it’s a charitor.. i mean im dyslexic and i can do it…..


sorry i havent be posting in the last week i have been SUPER busy! even though its been half term! :3 but i like beeing busy it takes you mind of things.. that way im in control just like this blog i think and write about the things i want and keeep busy when i dont want to think of thing…. to be honest probs not the best coping mecanism…yeah.. not really…. at the monet im in love with the song big jet plane by angus and julia stone… you should give them a try, of and i found a really cute little youtube that post daily you should check them out, they are quite amusing the way they fail at being the sterotypical girlie youtube acount! not going to lie there… i will post them down below