stop worrying!

last few day I have realised a worry way to much! i worry about the most stupid things, like going to school and getting lost even though my school is tiny and i have been going there for 4 years, aswell as vomiting on people when i stand up in front of the class to speak, oh and you will like this one my cloths not staying on my body and falling of (even though my cloths fit) its stupid i don’t see how i can worry about such things the last few days i have realised you know its time to stop and to just,

  1. to not care
  2. to pretend it’s not happening
  3. then right at the last second.. i panic, i blush and then feel like i really could be sick over everyone! YUCK!

that’s not really every going to happen (of course) but if i does i’m screwed! my friends dont get it either oh dont get my started on that they just think i am a really big drama queen am i? maybe i am? maybe this blog is just about me living this fake idea of the world.. huh didn’t think of that!

my mum always says “if you worry about thing that havent happened yet that’s the same a worrying about make belive things”