people are strange…

some people are so strange from their jokes that are there to have a dig… or there two facedness.. im talking about adults here.. not children or teenagers, even though they do all act the same… but really do people have no common sense or self-awareness when the speak so of the kids i go school with have better sense of what they’re saying …

has that ever happened were you’re at a family do and your to old to play with the kids but yet to young to sit with the adults, so you just sit wih a glass of wine and listen to them watching the world and hidden insults fly around the room hide among common convo… there like animals treding carefully around a certain topic of the convosation but they still want to walk and jump all over it..but carefully … its crazy the hiden dramas i dont think i will ever be bored again a any family event!

it tiring though for me.. keeping up with with the chit chat without haveing much of an imput on it.. because i dont like to get to involved…